America on fire : the untold history of police ...
Hinton, Elizabeth Kai, 198...
An American marriage : a novel
Jones, Tayari.
Begin again : James Baldwin's America and its u...
Glaude, Eddie S., Jr., 196...
Biased : uncovering the hidden prejudice that s...
Eberhardt, Jennifer L. (Je...
Black is the body : stories from my grandmother...
Bernard, Emily, 1967-
The bluest eye.
Morrison, Toni. 1931-2019
A bound woman is a dangerous thing : the incarc...
Hill, DaMaris B.
Build yourself a boat
Felix, Camonghne.
Chokehold : policing black men
Butler, Paul, 1961-
Citizen : an American lyric
Rankine, Claudia, 1963-
The color of law : a forgotten history of how o...
Rothstein, Richard.
Do better : spiritual activism for fighting and...
Ricketts, Rachel, 1984-
The fire next time.
Baldwin, James, 1924-1987.
Gyasi, Yaa.
How to be an antiracist
Kendi, Ibram X.
How to be less stupid about race : on racism, W...
Fleming, Crystal Marie, 19...
How to fight racism : courageous Christianity a...
Tisby, Jemar.
How we fight white supremacy : a field guide to...
I'm still here Black dignity in a world made fo...
Brown, Austin Channing.
Just mercy : a story of justice and redemption
Stevenson, Bryan.
Butler, Octavia E., 1947-2...
Locking up our own : crime and punishment in bl...
Forman, James, 1967-
Long time coming : reckoning with race in America
Dyson, Michael Eric.
Me and white supremacy : combat racism, change ...
Saad, Layla F.
A more beautiful and terrible history : the use...
Theoharis, Jeanne.
My grandfather's son : a memoir
Thomas, Clarence, 1948-
Native son
Wright, Richard, 1908-1960...
The new Jim Crow : mass incarceration in the ag...
Alexander, Michelle.
The skin we're in : a year of black resistance ...
Cole, Desmond, 1982-
So you want to talk about race
Oluo, Ijeoma.
Solitary unbroken by four decades in solitary c...
Woodfox, Albert.
Stamped from the beginning : the definitive his...
Kendi, Ibram X.
Stamped : racism, antiracism, and you
Reynolds, Jason.
Stony the road : Reconstruction, white supremac...
Gates, Henry Louis, Jr.
The sum of us : what racism costs everyone and ...
McGhee, Heather, 1980-
Tell me who you are : sharing our stories of ra...
Guo, Winona.
Their eyes were watching God.
Hurston, Zora Neale.
They can't kill us all : Ferguson, Baltimore, a...
Lowery, Wesley, 1990-
Thick and other essays
McMillan Cottom, Tressie
This book is anti-racist
Jewell, Tiffany.
This will be my undoing : living at the interse...
Jerkins, Morgan.
The travelers : a novel
Porter, Regina.
Troublemaker for justice the story of Bayard Ru...
Long, Michael G.
We cast a shadow : a novel
Ruffin, Maurice Carlos.
What doesn't kill you makes you blacker : a mem...
Young, Damon, 1978-
When they call you a terrorist : a Black Lives ...
Cullors, Patrisse, 1983-
White fragility : why it's so hard for White pe...
DiAngelo, Robin J.
White rage : the unspoken truth of our racial d...
Anderson, Carol (Carol Ela...
Why I'm no longer talking to white people about...
Eddo-Lodge, Reni.
The Yellow House
Broom, Sarah M.