100 bugs! : a counting book
Narita, Kate.
Bee : a peek-through picture book
Teckentrup, Britta.
The bees of Notre Dame
Browne, Meghan P., 1985-
The big book of bugs
Zommer, Yuval.
Bob and Otto
Bruel, Robert O.
Bompa's insect expedition
Suzuki, David, 1936-
Bug safari
Barner, Bob.
Evans, Shira.
Bugs, bees, and other buzzy creatures.
Bugs don't hug : six-legged parents and their k...
Montgomery, Heather L.
Bugs for lunch
Facklam, Margery.
Bugs in my hair!
Shannon, David, 1959-
Cricket in the thicket : poems about bugs
Murray, Carol. (Music comp...
The fly
Horáček, Petr.
A good place
Cousins, Lucy.
How to build an insect
Gibson, Roberta, 1959-
Hustle bustle bugs
Bailey, Catherine (Childre...
In a garden
McCanna, Tim.
Kaia and the bees
Boelts, Maribeth, 1964-
Little kids first big book of bugs
Hughes, Catherine D.
La oruga muy impaciente
Burach, Ross.
Rhyme time with bees!
Edwards, Jonas.
The very impatient caterpillar
Burach, Ross.
Wait -- and see
Frost, Helen, 1949-
A way with wild things
Theule, Larissa.