The yellow house on the corner of Quaker Street -- Now that the cows are gone -- Sowing the seeds with a little sprout -- That roof didn't collapse : it's a home improvement project -- Love blooms over the septic tank -- Scenic barn is really a biohazard -- Dead cluster flies serve as window insulation for the inept -- City slicker gets a taste of country marketing -- Theater, on stage and off, inspires young actress -- Two types of writing -- The center of town -- Losing the library -- Walk the postal route with a mailman to get to know the town -- It's the cream cheese brownies that bring out the vote -- The slowest driver in Vermont -- Vermont has changed-but not its people X -- Life, liberty and plenty of Charmin -- Meetings messy by necessity -- Village's center starts in aisle one -- The school-playgrounds and classrooms -- Drama lives in preschool Oz odyssey -- It's not easy to be a kid -- The thrill, the stress, the joy of the race -- Isaac and Gus survive girl world -- Inspiring teachers make education worth every penny -- Will sleeping beauty wake for school? -- A crush on your teacher is no excuse to act like a geek -- Don't believe all you read : the kids are all right -- A person can learn a lot from Ian Freeman -- The local wildlife -- Surly cow displays no remorse -- Dead bat duty draws the line -- Town's all atwitter about Rosie -- It's not mind over matter-it's mind over manure -- The case of the curious crustacean -- An old cat's name alone conjured wondrous memories -- The green-and then spectacularly yellow and red-mountains -- Why the Green Mountains turn red -- Vermont ready to be mired in spring -- Spirits live at Bartlett's swimming hole -- The Vermont woods look different without any leaves -- Snow colors Vermont in beauty -- Cheating death in the ap-gap -- Sugarers signal end of winter -- Select numbers show a changing Vermont -- A church with a weathervane atop the steeple -- A fender bender with baby Jesus? -- Clouds can't hide the
sun on a spiritually bright Easter morning -- Faith gives a child serenity -- Marriage weds love to laughter --- Thank you, friend, for guiding me deeper into my faith -- The cemetery -- Of memory and hope -- A passing of history and hospitality -- An elegy for the state's finest Red Sox fan -- How a family copes with loss : building love on little white lies -- Farmers Fletcher and Don Brown knew how to grow community -- A family's farewell to tiger -- Brief excursions away from Lincoln -- Untethered in Spain, set free on Route -- Flirtatious Minnie pulls up her hem -- Midlife crisis results in taking part in the weenie triathlon -- Rice pudding and French editor help novice cyclist survive -- A gardener can take pride in those $17 carrots -- Before books on tape there was mom -- At Denver's Gate B52 when the world was transformed -- Talking then, talking now -- Candy hearts would have bewildered Armenian grandparents --- On Mother's Day, grandmother briefly returned -- The ladies' room just inside Tomorrowland : a short story.